Typical British* | Tag


I love reading and answering tag questions, probably because i'm a little bit nosey to be honest. I have a bit of time before work, so i thought i'd find a common tag online and answer it for you.

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?
I'm actually not a fan of tea (how un-british of me) but in fact i'm not a fan of hot drinks in general. If i am to buy a hot drink i'd opt for a hot chocolate with all the trimmings.

2. Favourite part of your Sunday Roast?
Yorkshire puds and potatoes by a long mile! However the potatoes have to be slightly crispy, or it just ruins the whole thing for me. 

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?
I'm not much of a dunking lover either, a malted milk into tea is nice (but then i wont drink the tea) and i do love a good bourbon. 

4. Favourite quintessential British pastime?
I do love a crumpet in the morning smothered in butter. Fish & chips sitting by the sea is also a good'un, but i hate, hate, hate fish so it would be saveloy and chips by the sea for me please.

5. Favourite word?
Sweet is an overused and i guess favourite word for me, mainly because it's fun to elongate the e's, i also quite like the word buzzing (meaning excited) no idea why though. Again i seem to elongate the letters in buzzing too when i speak ahah

6. Cockney rhyme slang?
I'm useless when it comes to this sort of stuff, i wish it was still used daily because it makes conversations much more fun. All i know is 'apple and pears' meaning stairs i believe.

7. Favourite sweet?
Now this is more like it but i feel like i have too many to list. The top ones have to be Rhubarb and custards or sherbet lemons. Jelly tots are also high up there and starbursts, however my favourite were the sour ones, but i believe they stopped selling them. goddamit. 

8. What would your pub be called?
Probably something to do with cats lets be honest here, and i'd allow cats to roam freely.

9. No.1 British person?
Famous would be J.K Rowling for creating the magical world of Harry Potter. Non famous my mum, even though she does wind me up most days.

10. Favourite shop/ Restaurant?
I bet the typical answer to this is Nandos but it's so average! There's a pub/restruant near me called 'The Old Mill' which has beautiful food just a bit on the pricey side. Favourite shop i would have to say TK Maxx at the moment i love bargain hunting but it can be quite dangerous to spend a lot in there. For an online favourite i would say Motel Rocks and Missguided.

11. What British song pops into your head?
Right this second 'James Bay- Let it go' i've been obsessed with this song and James Bay in general this past month. But in general i would have to say something from Spice Girls they were my childhood growing up, and their songs never get old too blast in the car and sing along too.

12. Marmite?
No, no, no, no, no. The smell, the texture, the taste just no.

Take Care

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