Christmas Wrap Bargains | 2017


It's the most wonderful time of the year! 
It's officially acceptable to fish out all those xmas decs from your loft, and light your house up with fairy lights galore! With that comes the presents which i'm hoping you've all atleast started by now.. if not get to it! I'm definitely one of those people who like to buy Christmas presents in advance otherwise I know i'll just get myself into a huge fluster and panic buy, which is no fun especially around this stressful season.
Therefore I have managed to accumulate a fair few presents hidden in my bedroom, and i'm beginning to run out of space.. so i decided it's time to start wrapping! I love wrapping presents & being a bit extra with the ribbons and the bows; however, my family have had the same wrapping paper for years and i'm a bit bored of it now to be honest, so i I went out hunting for some new ones and here are my favourite finds:

These are from Tesco brought with their 3 for 2 offer or £2 each. (4 meters each)
I'm loving the gold theme, they had a lot more to choose from as well that i loved including gold reindeer's with red noses which is similar to the gingerbread men

I've clearly stuck with these gold/copper theme here, these came in a pack of three from Card Factory for £1.99 ! (2 meters each)
Now how much more of a bargain do you need especially when they look way more expensive than they are.

Finally i found this pack of 4 in Home Bargains for £2.99 ! (1.5 meters each)
I moved away from the gold theme here but I've just realised i seem to have brought all shiny/metallic paper this year haha; it makes it look like you've added a bit more effort to the wrapping  & will look fab underneath the tree.

Have you started your Christmas wrapping yet?

Take Care,

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