Stationery/ Back To School* |Haul


It's back to school season in the shops right now, and it's one of my favourite times of the year because i love love stationery! Now i haven't been to school in about 4 years now, so i haven't brought this for the 'back to school' purpose, but just purely for the fact i enjoy stationery haha.
I love organisation and planning and the concept of having a new notebook and new pens just excites me a little (i'm easily pleased)
Therefore i popped into a couple stores near me, and hunted for the prettiest things i could find (before any 10 year olds could steal it from me)

Weekly checklist: TkMaxx ( £3.99
Things to Remember notepad & clipboard: TkMaxx £3.99

A4 Notebook: Sainsburys £2
Mini Pegs: Sainsburys 75p
A5 Notebooks: TkMaxx £4.99 each
Single Pocket Folders: Tesco 
Yellow £1 -- Blue 75p-- Green 50p

A4 Cardboard Storage Box: Tesco £4.50
Floral Scissors: Staples 99p
Pack of 3 Animal Print Biro Pens: Sainsburys £1.80
Duck Shaped Pins: Staples £1
Pack of 4Erasable Highlighters: Tesco £1.50
Pack of 4 Coloured Biro Pens: Tesco £2

Take Care

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